Saturday, April 21, 2018


Many people have misunderstandings about Spirituality, they think Spirituality means giving up our Individuality. But in reality Spirituality is not about giving up but realizing our individuality. Many times people says be yourself, yes be yourself but be your higher self not your lower self. Some people have misconceptions that human Will & divine Will are in war with each other and If we surrender to Supreme Will then we will loose our Will....LOL. But in reality Human Will is founded & fulfilled in Divine Will. 

Vedic Scriptures Gita is a Spiritual Yoga book which reveals the vision of God who respects the human Intelligence & Free Will. Gita is not a book of commandments, but it is book of choices & consequences of choosing these choices. Existence of Free Will necessities us to use our Free Will. It means God has given us our family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, animals.....this material world so we can practice our Free Will. Yes, it is up to us how Deliberately we want to use our Free Will & Intelligence while interacting with other souls including nature.

Like practicing Physical Yoga we can brings out our Physical personality similarly by practicing Spiritual Yoga ( means linking our eternal Soul with Supreme Soul means unconditional love to God ) we will brings out our pure, loving, enthusiastic & UNIQUE Spiritual personality. So surrendering to Supreme Will is not about giving up our Will but perfecting our Will. In day to day life it means be God conscious while acting in this world.

Bg 18.26 -- One who performs his duty without association with the modes of material nature, without false ego, with great determination and enthusiasm, and without wavering in success or failure is said to be a worker in the mode of goodness.

Bg 18.58 -- If you become conscious of Me, you will pass over all the obstacles of conditioned life by My grace. If, however, you do not work in such consciousness but act through false ego, not hearing Me, you will be lost.

Bg 18.63 -- Thus I have explained to you knowledge still more confidential. Deliberate on this fully, and then do what you wish to do.

Article is based on link below by 
HH Chaitanya Charandas Prabhu.

Thank You.



I am inspired to hear & read Vedic Scriptures & other philosophy by regularly hearing Sri Pandurang Shashtri Athvale known as Dadaji ( speak on Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Veda based discourses & western philosophy ) and association of Swadhyay Parivar every Sunday in Swadhya Kendra. 

I also hear and read everyday the discourses & literature on Vedic thoughts from Srila Prabhupada, his disciples & grand disciples ( HH Bhakti Rasamitra Swami, HH Chaitanya Charandas Prabhu, Sutapa Das, Amarnath Dasa, HH Bhakticharu Swami, Urmila Devi Dasi, HH Sivarama Swami, HH Radhanath Swami, Lal Govind Prabhu ( Gujarati & Hindi) Prahalad Maharaj in Surat (Gujarati) .......and many more from ISKCON......). 

FYI: Good source of Vedic literature: ( Srimad Bhagavad Gita is the essence & Srimad Bhagavatam (SB) is the nectar of all Vedic scriptures ). Hearing & reading these scriptures daily are purifying to our senses, nourishing to our heart ( Soul ), transcendental to our consciousness and uplifting to our emotions.

It is always good idea to share our good thoughts & knowledge with others. I am posting articles based on Vedic scriptures and expressing my opinion, thoughts, understanding & emotions. Writing/sharing the articles is my Devotion to God/Gita/Guru. Of course I use Smartphone/Google/Pexels search to collect some data. Thanks to Facebook/Social media for providing me the platform.

Besides my parents, wife, teachers, family & friends GREATFUL to EVERYONE WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED in MY LIFE.

Hopefully my enthusiasm will continue by Grace of Guru & God ( Krishna , Absolute Truth ).


I use the word Hearing instead of Listening when it comes to Scriptures. Because Scriptures are so potent that simply by Hearing them even if you don’t try to interpret or analyze or understand them still there will be passive positive effects on our mind & senses.

We can follow either Quran, Bible, Jainism, Buddhism,Gita or any other Philosophy that makes sense to us, purify us , elevate our consciousness and qualify us to understand the God and instill the love for God & his creation. ( whichever way we can understand the God, Form or Formless..or Universal Consciousness or Energy ...etc ).

Don’t try to understand God by Name, Religion & Depiction ( means image, picture...etc ) but try to understand him by Definition through Scriptures. Transcendental subjects of God & his creation can not be understand by mental speculation. Some times people ask why God is Supreme? It is just like asking why circle is circular? Just by definition circle is circular similarly by definition God is unborn, complete, unlimited, infinite, eternal, the Absolute Truth the source of everything, cause of all causes. 

I see the God besides above mention qualities as a eternal living person ( not a abstract or some kind of light ) known by name Krishna means who attracts everyone has also MANY other NAMES, form, abode, many incarnation, activities, qualities, associates, full of wisdom, bliss, cause of all causes.

Saturday, April 14, 2018


Life comes from other life. Livings entities can not be manufactured from chemicals or matters. Form comes from other form. Have you ever heard or seen that Mother monkey has given birth to human and vice versa Woman has given birth to monkey? Not possible. Human baby delivered from human ( I mean woman ) only means OUR FOREFATHERS WERE INTELLECTUAL HUMAN NOT MONKEYS 🐒 and we should be proud of them. Individually also you can experience the truth by looking into your own family tree. Go back into past for a moments.....and now think intellectually that how many generation ago your forefathers were Monkeys or Matters ?...LOL🤠💩🤡. It does not make any logical sense that our forefathers came from Monkeys or Matters.

Very compressed article based on Vedic Scriptures: SB 2.10: Bhāgavatam Is the Answer to All Questions

As per Padma Purana: There are four types of living entities born within this material world: some are born by way of an embryo (jarāyu-ja), some by way of eggs (aṇḍa-ja), some by perspiration (sveda-ja), and some, like the trees, by way of seeds (udbhij-ja). There are total 8.4 million species of life are divided into six groups, namely acquatics, trees, insects, birds, animals and humans. There are nine hundred thousand (9 lakh) types of acquatics, two million (20 lakh) types of trees, 1.1 million types of insects, a million types of birds, three million types of animal bodies and four hundred thousand types of human bodies. These aggregate to 8.4 million.

Evolution in Fact and Fantasy: From Chapter 7 The Journey of Self: By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Los Angeles, June 1972: 
Śrīla Prabhupāda asserts that Darwin’s theory of evolution is inconclusive and illogical. The Vedas explain that an evolutionary process governs the progress of the soul. "We accept evolution," Śrīla Prabhupāda says, "but not that the forms of the species are changing. The 8.4 millions bodies are all already there, but the soul is evolving by changing bodies and by transmigrating from one body to another…. The defect of the evolutionists is that they have no information of the soul."  

As Prabhupada says, "The species already exist, and the living entity simply transfers himself from one womb to the next, just as a man transfers himself from one apartment to another. In other words, the species are created to accommodate different levels of consciousness. Living beings are placed in appropriate bodies according to their awareness level and evolve upwards or downwards according to their activities and mental disposition. That is to say, the species are static, but the evolution or devolution of consciousness is dynamic. The reason for the 8,400,000 forms of life is to accommodate all the possible forms of consciousness that develop in the course of samsara, or repeated birth and death cycle.

Bg 2.13 -- As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered by such a change.

Bg 15.8 -- The living entity in the material world carries his different conceptions of life from one body to another, as the air carries aromas. Thus he takes one kind of body and again quits it to take another.

Bg 15.9 -- The living entity, thus taking another gross body, obtains a certain type of ear, eye, tongue, nose and sense of touch, which are grouped about the mind. He thus enjoys a particular set of sense objects. ( )

Dr. Singh: Many scientists doubt Darwin’s theories. But Darwin’s supporters say that life started from matter and evolved from unicellular organisms to multicellular organisms. They believe that higher species like animals and men did not exist at the beginning of creation.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Darwin and his followers are rascals. If originally there were no higher species, why do they exist now? Also, why do the lower species still exist? For example, at the present moment we see both the intellectual person and the foolish ass. Why do both these entities exist simultaneously? Why hasn’t the ass form evolved upward and disappeared? Why do we never see a monkey giving birth to a human? The Darwinists’ theory that human life began in such and such an era is nonsense. Bhagavad-gītā says that you can directly transmigrate to any species of life you like, according to your efforts. Sometimes I travel to America, sometimes to Australia and sometimes to Africa. The countries already exist. I am simply traveling through them. It is not that because I have come to America, I have created or become America. And there are many countries I have not yet seen. Does that mean they do not exist? The scientists who support Darwin are nonsensical.

Bhagavad-gītā clearly says that all the species exist simultaneously, and that you can go to whichever species you like. You can even go up to the kingdom of God, if you so desire. All this is declared in Bhagavad-gītā by Lord Krishna.

According to Darwin’s theory, homo sapiens came later on, but we see that the most intelligent personality, Lord BRAHMĀ is born first. So according to Vedic knowledge, Darwin or similar mental speculators are rejected so far as the facts are concerned.[1] Prabhupada’s point is augmented by his disciple Richard L. Thompson (Sadaputa Dasa, 1947–2008), who received a PhD in mathematics from Cornell University:

The Vedānta says, janmādy asya yataḥ: [SB 1.1.1] the original source of everything is Brahman, Kṛṣṇa or God. Kṛṣṇa says, ahaṁ sarvasya prabhavo mattaḥ sarvaṁ pravartate: "I am the origin of everything." [Bhagavad-gītā 10.8]. The original father is Kṛṣṇa. [Bg. 14.4], sarva-yoniṣu kaunteya: "Of as many forms as there are,…" ahaṁ bīja-pradaḥ pitā: "I am the seed-giving father." (9.10). It is He only who directs the material nature to produce all sorts of moving and nonmoving creations.  

God or Krishna’s first expansion for the creation is Maha-Vishnu, who begins by manifesting the material elements from His transcendental body. Maha-Vishnu expands His personality and enters in each universe as Garbhodakasayi Vishnu. Garbhodakasayi Vishnu then generates Brahma, the first living entity in the universe. Thereafter Brahmā creates all forms of living beings of different shapes in terms of different desires within the universe. He also creates the sun, moon and other demigods. Manu is the first man created by Brahma, and his wife, the first woman is called Satarupa. YES, OUR FOREFATHERS WERE NOT MONKEYS. With further evolution of our Consciousness one day we will reestablish our forgotten relationship with the God. 

Each & Every question about spirituality answered very intellectually in SB ( Srimad-Bhagavatam ). Very Enlightening, Nourishing, Satisfying and gives plenty of Joy while hearing/reading this Transcendental Vedic Scriptures. 2nd Canto is all about creation of this material world.
SB 2.10: Bhāgavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 

SB 2.10.1 -- Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: In the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam there are ten divisions of statements regarding the following: the creation of the universe, subcreation, planetary systems, protection by the Lord, the creative impetus, the change of Manus, the science of God, returning home, back to Godhead, liberation, and the summum bonum.

Information collected from other articles, see the links below.,4364/

Thank You.

I am inspired to hear & read Vedic Scriptures & other philosophy by regularly hearing Sri Pandurang Shashtri Athvale known as Dadaji ( speak on Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Veda based discourses & western philosophy ) and association of Swadhyay Parivar every Sunday in Swadhya Kendra. 

I also hear and read everyday the discourses & literature on Vedic thoughts from Srila Prabhupada, his disciples & grand disciples ( HH Bhakti Rasamitra Swami, HH Chaitanya Charandas Prabhu, Sutapa Das, Amarnath Dasa, HH Bhakticharu Swami, Urmila Devi Dasi, HH Sivarama Swami, HH Radhanath Swami, Lal Govind Prabhu ( Gujarati & Hindi) Prahalad Maharaj in Surat (Gujarati) .......and many more from ISKCON......). 

FYI: Good source of Vedic literature: ( Srimad Bhagavad Gita is the essence & Srimad Bhagavatam (SB) is the nectar of all Vedic scriptures ). Hearing & reading these scriptures, Eating Sanctified Pure Food and Chanting Vedic Mantra daily are purifying to our senses, nourishing to our heart ( Soul ), transcendental to our consciousness and uplifting to our emotions.

It is always good idea to share our good thoughts & knowledge with others. I am posting articles based on Vedic scriptures and expressing my opinion, thoughts, understanding & emotions. Writing/sharing the articles is my Devotion to God/Gita/Guru. Of course I use Smartphone, Google, Pexels search to collect some data. Thanks to Facebook & Social media for providing me the platform.

Besides my parents, wife, teachers, family & friends GREATFUL to EVERYONE WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED in MY LIFE.

Hopefully my enthusiasm will continue by Grace of Guru & God ( Krishna , Absolute Truth ).

I use the word Hearing instead of Listening when it comes to Scriptures. Because Scriptures are so potent that simply by Hearing them even if you don’t try to interpret or analyze or understand them still there will be passive positive effects on our mind & senses.

We can follow either Quran, Bible, Jainism, Buddhism, Gita or any other Philosophy that makes sense to us, purify us , elevate our consciousness and qualify us to understand the God and instill the love for God & his creation. ( whichever way we can understand the God, Form or Formless..or Universal Consciousness or Energy ...etc ).

Don’t try to understand God by Name, Religion & Depiction ( means image, picture...etc ) but try to understand him by Definition through Scriptures. Transcendental subjects of God & his creation can not be understand by mental speculation. Some times people ask why God is Supreme? It is just like asking why circle is circular? Just by definition circle is circular similarly by definition God is unborn, complete, unlimited, infinite, eternal, the Absolute Truth the source of everything, cause of all causes. 

I see the God besides above mention qualities as a eternal living person ( not a abstract or some kind of light ) known by name Krishna means who attracts everyone has also MANY other NAMES, form, abode, many incarnation, activities, qualities, associates, full of wisdom, bliss, cause of all causes.

Saturday, April 7, 2018


1. Spirituality does not mean detachment and living separately from the world.
2.It does not mean renouncing or rejecting materialism. 
3. It does not mean hardhearted-ness, irresponsible toward family & society. 
4. Does not mean keeping relationships only with people coming in the Temple ( Church or Mosque ).
5. Does not mean dressed only in Orange or any specific clothes. 
6. Does not mean rigidity, no flexibility in life. 
7. Does not mean repression & restraint ourselves from material need & enjoyment. 
8. Does not mean neglectful toward our health & work.

Spirituality in our day to day life means Compassion & Passion ( means Devotion ) while playing our role either as a parents, spouse, children, siblings, friends, relatives, employees , employers, as a president.....or whatever role is given to us in this world. Yes our action , behavior, speech....every activities should fill up with Compassion & Enthusiasm. Spirituality means enjoying our day to day routine activity, enjoying our relationship, our work........etc....enjoying every little things we do in our life. We should develop Spiritual eyes to see every creation as a God’s energy. 

We can appreciate everything around us as a creation of God but at a same time with our Sense of discrimination we should accept the things which is favorable for our spiritual growth defined as YUKTA and reject the things which is unfavorable defined as VAIRAYGA. Example: Food & Sleep are essential for spiritual advancement but at a same time too much food & sleep will be harmful to our spiritual growth. Use of Wealth, Technology, Skills, Power, Fame.....or anything in our favor to progress further on spiritual journey....Yukta and remain detached from same if it is not favorable.......Vairayga. 

Bg 6.16 -- There is no possibility of one’s becoming a yogī, O Arjuna, if one eats too much or eats too little, sleeps too much or does not sleep enough.

Bg 6.17 -- He who is regulated in his habits of eating, sleeping, recreation and work can mitigate all material pains by practicing the yoga system. ( ).

Bg 5.7 -- One who works in devotion, who is a pure soul, and who controls his mind and senses is dear to everyone, and everyone is dear to him. Though always working, such a man is never entangled ( ).

In short everything in this world is beautiful but we should ACCEPT the thing which is favorable and RENOUNCE the thing which is not favorable for our Spiritual Growth. Of course in order to maintain or uplift our Spiritual fitness we have to do our Sadhna means Spiritual Yoga everyday just like Physical Yoga to maintain our Physical fitness. Every good thing can start with good Association & Hearing. Association with like minded people & Hearing the Scriptures daily will lead us toward our goal. 

Thank You.


I am inspired to hear & read Vedic Scriptures & other philosophy by regularly hearing Sri Pandurang Shashtri Athvale known as Dadaji ( speak on Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Veda based discourses & western philosophy ) and association of Swadhyay Parivar every Sunday in Swadhya Kendra. 

I also hear and read everyday the discourses & literature on Vedic thoughts from Srila Prabhupada, his disciples & grand disciples ( HH Bhakti Rasamitra Swami, HH Chaitanya Charandas Prabhu, Sutapa Das, Amarnath Dasa, HH Bhakticharu Swami, Urmila Devi Dasi, HH Sivarama Swami, HH Radhanath Swami, Lal Govind Prabhu ( Gujarati & Hindi) Prahalad Maharaj in Surat (Gujarati) .......and many more from ISKCON......). 

FYI: Good source of Vedic literature: ( Srimad Bhagavad Gita is the essence & Srimad Bhagavatam (SB) is the nectar of all Vedic scriptures ). Hearing & reading these scriptures, Eating Sanctified Pure Food and Chanting Vedic Mantra daily are purifying to our senses, nourishing to our heart ( Soul ), transcendental to our consciousness and uplifting to our emotions.

It is always good idea to share our good thoughts & knowledge with others. I am posting articles based on Vedic scriptures and expressing my opinion, thoughts, understanding & emotions. Writing/sharing the articles is my Devotion to God/Gita/Guru. Of course I use Smartphone, Google, Pexels search to collect some data. Thanks to Facebook & Social media for providing me the platform.

Besides my parents, wife, teachers, family & friends GREATFUL to EVERYONE WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED in MY LIFE.

Hopefully my enthusiasm will continue by Grace of Guru & God ( Krishna , Absolute Truth ).

I use the word Hearing instead of Listening when it comes to Scriptures. Because Scriptures are so potent that simply by Hearing them even if you don’t try to interpret or analyze or understand them still there will be passive positive effects on our mind & senses.

We can follow either Quran, Bible, Jainism, Buddhism, Gita or any other Philosophy that makes sense to us, purify us , elevate our consciousness and qualify us to understand the God and instill the love for God & his creation. ( whichever way we can understand the God, Form or Formless..or Universal Consciousness or Energy ...etc ).

Don’t try to understand God by Name, Religion & Depiction ( means image, picture...etc ) but try to understand him by Definition through Scriptures. Transcendental subjects of God & his creation can not be understand by mental speculation. Some times people ask why God is Supreme? It is just like asking why circle is circular? Just by definition circle is circular similarly by definition God is unborn, complete, unlimited, infinite, eternal, the Absolute Truth the source of everything, cause of all causes. 

I see the God besides above mention qualities as a eternal living person ( not a abstract or some kind of light ) known by name Krishna means who attracts everyone has also MANY other NAMES, form, abode, many incarnation, activities, qualities, associates, full of wisdom, bliss, cause of all causes.