Friday, February 22, 2019



Playing a Music, Singing a Song, Singing a Mantra or Listening to them and Dancing, they all are universal languages of healing, soothing & love; which can refresh any Soul on this planet irrespective of their mother tongue.

The purpose of Vedic PHILOSOPHY, YOGA & CHANTING or SINGING a MANTRA are not only about feeling cool or good, but they are also about purification of ourselves to elevate our consciousness AND to understand God, building loving relationships with God & his creations.

Bg 9.17 -- I am the father of this universe, the mother, the support and the grandsire. I am the object of knowledge, the purifier and the syllable oṁ. I am also the Ṛg, the Sāma and the Yajur Vedas.

There is no difference between the God himself & chanting his name. Every syllable in the Mantra have a divine meaning. For example: In the Hare Krishna Hare Rama Mantra; Krishna means he who attracts everyone, Rama means he who gives pleasure to everyone and Hare means energy of Divine. Like a single letter in a word has no meaning, similarly chanting whimsically any words has no effect.

Bg 10.25 -- of vibrations I am the transcendental OM. Of sacrifices I am the chanting of the holy names [japa]. ( ).

Mantra Chanting is a form of Active Meditation. It requires discipline, proper posture, speaking, listening, concentration and also finger movements if we use mala-beads. The Mantra when recited softly by an individual is called Japa and when it is recited loudly & heard by others is called Kirtana (means glorifying). Chanting a Mantra together in a group is called Congregational Chanting. SINGING a MANTRA along with the MUSIC & DANCING together on the street is called SANKIRTANA.

Just like Yoga which is nonsectarian and good for everyone, similarly Mantra Mediation is also good for everyone irrespective of the religion or nationality. Whatever Mantra or Method works for us is good. 

Besides Work, healthy Diet, Exercise, Family, Friends & Entertainment let’s make our journey more interesting, energetic & enthusiastic by adding the PHILOSOPHY and MANTRA with MUSIC, SINGING & DANCING in our lives.

Hare Krishna.

Thank You.  



I am inspired to hear & read the Vedic Scriptures by regularly listening to Sri Pandurang Shashtri Athvale, also known as Dadaji ( speaks on Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Veda based discourses & western philosophy ) and the association of Swadhyay Parivar every Sunday in Swadhya Kendra. 

I also hear and read the discourses & literature on Vedic thoughts from Srila Prabhupada, his disciples & grand disciples ( HH Bhakti Rasamitra Swami, HH Chaitanya Charandas Prabhu, Shubha Vilas Prabhu, Sutapa Das, Amarnath Dasa, HH Bhakticharu Swami, HH Urmila Devi Dasi, HH Sivarama Swami, HH Radhanath Swami, HH Romapada Swami, Lal Govind Prabhu ( Gujarati & Hindi) Prahalad Maharaj in Surat (Gujarati) .......and many more from ISKCON......). 

FYI: A good source of Vedic literature: . Srimad Bhagavad Gita is the essence & Srimad Bhagavatam (SB) is the nectar of all Vedic scriptures. Repeatedly hearing/reading & meditating the Scriptures, Eating Sanctified Pure Food and Chanting Vedic Mantras are nourishing to our heart (Soul), transcendental to our consciousness, purifying to our senses and thus helps us to overcome our weaknesses or deficiencies. Yes, we do have good qualities within us but there is always a room for improvement. 

It is always a good idea to share our good thoughts & knowledge with others. Thanks to the Facebook/Social media for providing me the platform. Of course I use Smartphone/Google/Pexels search to collect some data. 

Besides my parents, wife, teachers, family & friends GREATFUL to EVERYONE WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED in MY LIFE. Hopefully my enthusiasm will continue by Grace of the Guru & God (Krishna , Absolute Truth).

Many times a word Hearing is used instead of Listening when it comes to the Scriptures. Because Scriptures are so potent that simply by Hearing them even if you don’t try to interpret or analyze or understand them still there will be passive positive effects on our mind & senses.

We can follow either the Quran, Bible,Torah, Tripitaka, Agama, Guru Granth Sahib, Gita or any other Philosophy which makes sense to us, purifies us, elevates our consciousness and qualifies us to understand God and instill the love of God & his creation. (whichever way we can understand God -- either Personal with many names or Impersonal as an universal consciousness & energy).

Don’t try to understand God by Name, Religion or Depiction (means image, picture...etc) but try to understand him by the Definition through Scriptures. The Transcendental subject of God & his creation cannot be understood by mental speculation. Some times people ask why God is Supreme? It is just like asking why is the circle circular? Just by definition, the circle is circular. Similarly by definition, God is unborn, complete, unlimited, infinite, eternal, the Absolute Truth the source of everything, cause of all causes. 

I see God, besides the above mentioned qualities, as an eternal living person (not a abstract or some kind of light) known by the name KRISHNA meaning one who attracts everyone has also MANY other NAMES, forms, abodes, incarnations, activities, qualities, associates, is full of wisdom, bliss, and the cause of all causes.

Bg 9.17 -- I am the father of this universe, the mother, the support and the grandsire. I am the object of knowledge, the purifier and the syllable oṁ. I am also the Ṛg, the Sāma and the Yajur Vedas.

Bg:13-12:-- Accepting the importance of self-realization; and philosophical search for the Absolute Truth ( God ) – all these I declare to be knowledge, and besides this whatever there may be is ignorance. ( ).

Friday, February 15, 2019



Two days ago 40 innocent Soldiers or Kshatriyas --Protectors of the nation were killed by Terrorists in Pulwama, India 🇮🇳. It is very painful for the family, society & nation to see this kind of horrific event. Let's pray for these soldiers who have sacrificed their lives and may God give strength to their family, society & nation during this difficult times of their lives.

At the present moment, Terrorist activities are happening in every corner of the World. 

How do we protect ourselves? 

We can protect the society by two ways: By Shhastras & Shastras.
1. Shhastras or Scriptures: Implementing & sharing the Spiritual knowledge in which we can instill the godly qualities like love, compassion, kindness, generosity, enthusiasm, morality and humbleness among each other. These qualities can uplift overall Consciousness of the nation & whole planet 🌎. Scriptures will show us how to live & facilitates others to live. This is ideal way to live & protect the society. 

Bg 18.42 -- Peacefulness, self-control, austerity, purity, tolerance, honesty, knowledge, wisdom and religiousness – these are the natural qualities by which the brāhmaṇas (sober person) work. 

2. Shastras or Weapons: When society is ruled & ruined by the Terrorists or any other Social nuisances, Kshatriyas or Soldiers have to use their Shastras or Weapons to protect the Life, Consciousness & Culture of the Community, Country & Continent AND remove the Terrorism from this planet 🌎.

Bg 16.7 -- Those who are demoniac do not know what is to be done and what is not to be done. Neither cleanliness nor proper behavior nor truth is found in them.

SB 4.14.31 -- All the great saintly sages immediately cried: Kill him! Kill him! He is the most dreadful, sinful person. If he lives, he will certainly turn the whole world into ashes in no time.

Saintly persons are generally very kind to all kinds of living entities, but they are not unhappy when a serpent or a scorpion is killed. It is not good for saintly persons to kill, but they are encouraged to kill demons, who are exactly like serpents and scorpions.

We should protect the society by our Heads (Spiritual Knowledge) & Hands (Weapons), use them wisely according to time, place & circumstances. Kshatriyas or Soldiers of Indian Army 🇮🇳, it is time to use SHASTRAS against Terrorism. We need leaders like Narendrabhai Modi & Adityanath Yogi to protect the India from corruption, crimes & Terrorism. It is time to have another KURUKSHETRA War.

Proud of Indian Army & India AND Proud of American Troops & America (and other nations) to fight against the Terrorism.



Thank You.  



I am inspired to hear & read the Vedic Scriptures by regularly listening to Sri Pandurang Shashtri Athvale, also known as Dadaji ( speaks on Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Veda based discourses & western philosophy ) and the association of Swadhyay Parivar every Sunday in Swadhya Kendra. 

I also hear and read the discourses & literature on Vedic thoughts from Srila Prabhupada, his disciples & grand disciples ( HH Bhakti Rasamitra Swami, HH Chaitanya Charandas Prabhu, Shubha Vilas Prabhu, Sutapa Das, Amarnath Dasa, HH Bhakticharu Swami, HH Urmila Devi Dasi, HH Sivarama Swami, HH Radhanath Swami, HH Romapada Swami, Lal Govind Prabhu ( Gujarati & Hindi) Prahalad Maharaj in Surat (Gujarati) .......and many more from ISKCON......). 

FYI: A good source of Vedic literature: . Srimad Bhagavad Gita is the essence & Srimad Bhagavatam (SB) is the nectar of all Vedic scriptures. Repeatedly hearing/reading & meditating the Scriptures, Eating Sanctified Pure Food and Chanting Vedic Mantras are nourishing to our heart (Soul), transcendental to our consciousness, purifying to our senses and thus helps us to overcome our weaknesses or deficiencies. Yes, we do have good qualities within us but there is always a room for improvement. 

It is always a good idea to share our good thoughts & knowledge with others. Thanks to the Facebook/Social media for providing me the platform. Of course I use Smartphone/Google/Pexels search to collect some data. 

Besides my parents, wife, teachers, family & friends GREATFUL to EVERYONE WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED in MY LIFE. Hopefully my enthusiasm will continue by Grace of the Guru & God (Krishna , Absolute Truth).

Many times a word Hearing is used instead of Listening when it comes to the Scriptures. Because Scriptures are so potent that simply by Hearing them even if you don’t try to interpret or analyze or understand them still there will be passive positive effects on our mind & senses.

We can follow either the Quran, Bible,Torah, Tripitaka, Agama, Guru Granth Sahib, Gita or any other Philosophy which makes sense to us, purifies us, elevates our consciousness and qualifies us to understand God and instill the love of God & his creation. (whichever way we can understand God -- either Personal with many names or Impersonal as an universal consciousness & energy).

Don’t try to understand God by Name, Religion or Depiction (means image, picture...etc) but try to understand him by the Definition through Scriptures. The Transcendental subject of God & his creation cannot be understood by mental speculation. Some times people ask why God is Supreme? It is just like asking why is the circle circular? Just by definition, the circle is circular. Similarly by definition, God is unborn, complete, unlimited, infinite, eternal, the Absolute Truth the source of everything, cause of all causes. 

I see God, besides the above mentioned qualities, as an eternal living person (not a abstract or some kind of light) known by the name KRISHNA meaning one who attracts everyone has also MANY other NAMES, forms, abodes, incarnations, activities, qualities, associates, is full of wisdom, bliss, and the cause of all causes.

Bg 9.17 -- I am the father of this universe, the mother, the support and the grandsire. I am the object of knowledge, the purifier and the syllable oṁ. I am also the Ṛg, the Sāma and the Yajur Vedas.

Bg:13-12:-- Accepting the importance of self-realization; and philosophical search for the Absolute Truth ( God ) – all these I declare to be knowledge, and besides this whatever there may be is ignorance. ( ).


Friday, February 8, 2019



Desire is the root cause of our Birth. Birth means plenty of desire & insurmountable amounts of struggle to fulfill these desires but in-return we get flickering happiness. Birth also means aging, disease and Death. No Desire means No Birth means No School, Work, House or Spouse means No Suffering....LOL.😜 😂 😆. 

To become desireless is impossible, because desire is a natural function of the living entity. As long as we have our mind & senses we will have plenty of desires. Desires to become wealthy, famous, powerful, knowledgeable, to enjoy this world...etc, we can’t be desireless. On other hand material desires brings anxiety, agitation, aggressiveness, anger ness, quarrel, greed, possessiveness...etc which can hamper our progress on the Spiritual path & also diminishes our happiness. 


Bg 2.71 -- A person who has given up all desires for sense gratification, who lives free from desires, who has given up all sense of proprietorship and is devoid of false ego – he alone can attain real peace.

We have three choices to manage or control our material desires as explained below:
1. Suppression: Suppressing or punishing our mind & senses to become desireless. Sometimes suppressing or starving ourselves makes us more hungry towards material desires..LOL. 😂......Not a good choice.

2. Saturation: Maximum use of our senses to enjoy the material things maximally till they are faded, saturated or exhausted. Unfortunately our senses are designed such a way that the more we feed them the more prominent they become. It is like putting a stick of butter over fire. Once we fade up with one subject or object our senses will look for another subject or object; they will never be saturated or satisfied.....Not a best choice.

Bg 3.39 -- Thus the wise living entity’s pure consciousness becomes covered by his eternal enemy in the form of lust, which is never satisfied and which burns like fire. 

Suppressing the life by having minimum desires is like eating a food without salt AND Saturating the life by having too many desires is like eating a food with too much salt...LOL. Even if we succeed in controlling our desires either by suppression or saturation methods, what will we do in our free time? Just sit on the couch and become a Couch Potato..LOL 😂 😝. 

3. Purification: If we have poor vision due to cataract in the eye, we don't pluck out the eye but we remove the cataract and will able to see again. Similarly in Spirituality also rather then trying to suppress or saturate our senses, occupy & purify them by having Spiritual Desires-Spiritual Yoga--Spiritual Development.

Besides maintaining & entertaining ourselves we should utilize material means our wealth, skill, technology, power, position...etc for our inner or spiritual development also. Utility is the principal rather then Void philosophy. Example: Besides work, worldly & mundane purpose, I use my IPHONE & IPAD for Spiritual development also meaning hearing & reading the Scriptures/Spiritual Knowledge, listening the Slokas & Mantras and writing & sharing the spiritual Blog. Spirituality will improve our relationships, discipline, enthusiasm, health, behavior, work ethics, satisfaction & overall happiness in our lives.

Out of three Purification means "HAVE SPIRITUAL DESIRES to BECOME DESIRELESS." looks like a better choice. Our curiosity to learn Spiritual knowledge, Balanced life ( balanced in eating, sleeping, recreation & work ) & Association with like minded people will help us to progress on Spiritual Journey. 

With respect to everyone’s values & beliefs, whichever GUIDELINES ( Bible, Quran, Torah, Tripitaka-Buddhism, Agama-Jainism, Guru Granth Sahib-Sikhism, Gita or any other...) METHODS or WAYS work for us is good. 

Bg 6.16 -- There is no possibility of one’s becoming a yogī, O Arjuna, if one eats too much or eats too little, sleeps too much or does not sleep enough.

Bg 6.17 -- He who is regulated in his habits of eating, sleeping, recreation and work can mitigate all material pains by practicing the yoga system.

Bg 18.49 -- One who is self-controlled and unattached and who disregards all material enjoyments can obtain, by practice of renunciation, the highest perfect stage of freedom from reaction.

Bg 18.54 -- One who is thus transcendentally situated at once realizes the Supreme Brahman and becomes fully joyful. He never laments or desires to have anything. He is equally disposed toward every living entity.

Have a Spiritual Desire Day.

It is easy to say, but difficult to follow. I am in the same boat with everyone else, or I may even be behind, but thinking in the right direction will help us to go in the right direction.

Write the Blog to Learn, Implement & Share the Knowledge AND Read the Blog to Associate with the Knowledge...LOL 😂 😝 😆.

Thank You. 



I am inspired to hear & read the Vedic Scriptures by regularly listening to Sri Pandurang Shashtri Athvale, also known as Dadaji ( speaks on Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Veda based discourses & western philosophy ) and the association of Swadhyay Parivar every Sunday in Swadhya Kendra. 

I also hear and read the discourses & literature on Vedic thoughts from Srila Prabhupada, his disciples & grand disciples ( HH Bhakti Rasamitra Swami, HH Chaitanya Charandas Prabhu, Shubha Vilas Prabhu, Sutapa Das, Amarnath Dasa, HH Bhakticharu Swami, HH Urmila Devi Dasi, HH Sivarama Swami, HH Radhanath Swami, HH Romapada Swami, Lal Govind Prabhu ( Gujarati & Hindi) Prahalad Maharaj in Surat (Gujarati) .......and many more from ISKCON......). 

FYI: A good source of Vedic literature: . Srimad Bhagavad Gita is the essence & Srimad Bhagavatam (SB) is the nectar of all Vedic scriptures. Hearing & reading these scriptures, Eating Sanctified Pure Food and Chanting Vedic Mantras daily purify our senses, nourishing our heart ( Soul ), are transcendental to our consciousness, uplifting to our emotions and thus perfect our Free Will. Otherwise this powerful material world will degrade us.

It is always a good idea to share our good thoughts & knowledge with others. Thanks to the Facebook/Social media for providing me the platform. Of course I use Smartphone/Google Pexels search to collect some data. 

Besides my parents, wife, teachers, family & friends GREATFUL to EVERYONE WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED in MY LIFE. Hopefully my enthusiasm will continue by Grace of the Guru & God ( Krishna , Absolute Truth ).

Many times a word Hearing is used instead of Listening when it comes to the Scriptures. Because Scriptures are so potent that simply by Hearing them even if you don’t try to interpret or analyze or understand them still there will be passive positive effects on our mind & senses.

We can follow either the Quran, Bible, Judaism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Gita or any other Philosophy which makes sense to us, purifies us , elevates our consciousness and qualifies us to understand God and instill the love of God & his creation. ( whichever way we can understand God -- either Personal with many names or Impersonal as an universal consciousness & energy ).

Don’t try to understand God by Name, Religion or Depiction ( means image, picture...etc ) but try to understand him by the Definition through Scriptures. The Transcendental subject of God & his creation cannot be understood by mental speculation. Some times people ask why God is Supreme? It is just like asking why is the circle circular? Just by definition, the circle is circular. Similarly by definition, God is unborn, complete, unlimited, infinite, eternal, the Absolute Truth the source of everything, cause of all causes. 

I see God, besides the above mentioned qualities, as an eternal living person ( not a abstract or some kind of light ) known by the name KRISHNA meaning one who attracts everyone has also MANY other NAMES, forms, abodes, incarnations, activities, qualities, associates, is full of wisdom, bliss, and the cause of all causes.

Bg 9.17 -- I am the father of this universe, the mother, the support and the grandsire. I am the object of knowledge, the purifier and the syllable oṁ. I am also the Ṛg, the Sāma and the Yajur Vedas.

Bg:13-12:-- Accepting the importance of self-realization; and philosophical search for the Absolute Truth ( God ) – all these I declare to be knowledge, and besides this whatever there may be is ignorance. ( ).