Sunday, February 4, 2024


We can’t run society only by focusing on internal or spiritual development…we also need our fully furnished houses…😂, luxurious vehicles, expensive gadgets, strong 💪 defenses, health care, science, entertainment…😂. 

MY OCCUPATION & ASHRAM: Every Occupation & Ashram (orders of our life) is valuable and it has its own importance & contribution to society. In the Gita, Lord Krishna has mentioned VARNASHRAM society. Varna means Occupation and Ashram means orders of life; they both are necessary for our material & spiritual development. In order to run a systematic, smooth, prosperous & peaceful society, we need varnashram model. Consciously or Subconsciously every one of us is following this Varnashram model. Human society all over the world is divided into four kinds of occupation and four orders of life. Let’s look deeper into it. 

Four Varnas or Occupations: Varnas system is about choosing our occupation based on our passion, personality to support our family, society & the nation. Yes, they are chosen as per our psycho-physical nature and are required to run the society.

1. Intelligent, Advisory & Teaching services.

2. Administrative & Defense services.

3. Business & Trading services.(Mercantile & Farmers). 

4. Manufacturing, Health Care, Construction and other Public services.

Bg 4.13 -- According to the three modes of material nature and the work associated with them, the four divisions of human society are created by Me. And although I am the creator of this system, you should know that I am yet the nondoer, being unchangeable.

Four Ashram or Orders of our lives:

1. Brahmachrya ashram— Student life: In this ashram, the primary focus is education (both material & spiritual). No other responsibilities or burdens…. but plenty of time to chill out. Have all fun in the world while parents are paying your bills…… 😂 

2. Grihastha ashram— Family/Householder’s life: No more studies & exams...LOL 😂. Yes, it is time to enjoy fully with our family & friends. At the same time, we have financial & many other responsibilities towards our family, society & the nation. Out of the four, this is the most important ashram, supporting the other three ashrams. In this ashram we are supporting our children’s needs when they are students and our parents when they are retirees. We are also supporting the volunteer, philanthropy and religious/spiritual organizations.

3. Vanprastha ashram— Retired life: It is a time to contribute our skills & efficiency to society, volunteer & philanthropy activities. We have more free time to pursue our hobbies, passion, improve our physical fitness and advancement towards spiritual development. 

During Grihastha Ashram (Family Life) we have to adjust ourselves to please our family, friends & society. Many times we get agitated, angry, greedy, have silly arguments with spouse, family & friends ...😂 and sometimes we compromise our ethics, morality or principles in order to maintain or fulfill our and our loved ones’ needs. Our Consciousness degrades further while dealing with society. Vanprastha ashram--Retired life is the time to bounce back and recover from those agitated & unpleasant moments and uplift our consciousness to upgrade ourselves spiritually.

4. Sannayasa ashram— Devotional life: The focus is more towards spiritual development & contributing to society’s spiritual advancement. 

Our overall internal development depends on what we do in our free time.

All humans irrespective of their varnas (occupations), religions or nationalities, have to pass through these four orders of life. We should utilize them rightly to build material & spiritual lives wisely.

It is easy to say, but difficult to follow…. 😃 

TEXT 63: 18.63: Thus I have explained to you knowledge still more confidential. Deliberate on this fully, and then do what you wish to do.

These are general guidelines in our lives as mentioned in Srimad Bhagavad Gita, but we have the free will to live our lives the way we wish and imagine.

Jay Shree Krishna 

Thank You….. 🙏 

I am inspired to read the Vedic Scriptures by regularly listening to Sri Pandurang Shashtri Athvale and the association of Swadhyay Parivar every Sunday in Swadhya Kendra. 

I also hear and read the discourses & literatures on Vedic thoughts from Srila Prabhupada & his disciples… ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness).