Wednesday, August 9, 2017


“To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.” — Thomas Aquinas

Faith is an essential element in life, just like an oxygen is needed for the body similarly faith needed for our survival & progress. Faith isn’t just a notion that some people hold onto in tough times but we need it in every day of our lives. We couldn’t drive our cars without faith, how could we fly in an airplane? Without faith, how can we marry and decide to stay together for a lifetime? How can we can go to car mechanics or physician's office without faith? Outcome of treatment of any disease also depends on physicians-patients faith on Divine. A leap of faith is the act of believing in or accepting something outside of the boundaries of reason.

Similarly without faith we can not progress on path of spiritual journey. Faith is the root of Devotion ( Bhakti ) as Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita
Bg 9.3 — Those who are not faithful in this devotional service cannot attain Me, O conqueror of enemies. Therefore they return to the path of birth and death in this material world. ( ).

Faith goes beyond the logic, reasoning, and explanations. One who is always suspicious can't lead a happy life either materially or spiritually, “For the doubting soul there is happiness neither in this world nor in the next (BG 4.40)." On path of spiritual journey our faith will be tasted in difficult times of life. When we experience life’s monumental failures, it’s easy to lose hope and faith in Divine (Absolute Truth) and start doubting his abilities, this is a time when our faith starts leaking out unless we have staunch faith in Scriptures & teaching of Spiritual master.

I am inspire to hear & read Vedic Scriptures & other philosophy by regularly listening Sri Pandurang Shashtri Athvale known as Dadaji ( speak on Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Veda based discourses & western philosophy ) and association of Swadhyay Parivar every Sunday in Swadhya Kendra. 

FYI: Good source of Vedic literature: (Srimad Bhagavad Gita is the essence & Srimad Bhagavatam (SB) is the nectar of all Vedic scriptures). Hearing & reading SB daily is purifying to our senses, nourishing & satisfying to our heart ( Soul ) and transcendental to our consciousness.

I also hear and read discourses & articles on Vedic thoughts & other philosophy from Srila Prabhupada, his disciples & grand disciples ( HH Bhakti Rasamitra Swami, Chaitanya Charandas Prabhu, HH Sivarama Swami, Sutapa Das, Amarnath Dasa, HH Bhakticharu Swami,  Urmila Devi Dasi,  Radhanath Swami, Lal Govind Prabhu ( Gujarati & Hindi) Prahalad Maharaj in Surat (Gujarati) .......and many more from ISKCON......). 

I am posting some article based on Vedic scriptures and literature. Of course I use Google search to collect some data. Thanks to Facebook for providing platform.

It is always good idea to share our good thoughts & knowledge with others. Besides my parents, wife, teachers, family & friends GREATFUL to EVERYONE WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED in MY LIFE.

Hopefully my enthusiasm will continue by grace of Guru & God (Absolute Truth).


  1. Pankaj, so true. faith is necessary to function. world history requires faith. We have faith that it must have happened if someone wrote it down. One question i have is, how do you distinguish between the positive version of faith, and the delusional version such as "blind" faith.

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    2. Spirituality is about inner satisfaction and Bliss. You need to follow footsteps of people who all ready experience this. Observers them & their lifestyle...are they look satisfied & happy walking on this path....dose it make sense to you?....then take a chance and follow their footsteps and find out the most there is loss of some time in your life.
