Friday, January 11, 2019


Read the Blog to Bounce Back & Write the Blog to Absorb the Shock from Bouncing too much...LOL. 😂 😝 😆.

Every occupation & stages (according to our age) in our life is valuable and it has it’s own importance & contribution to society. In the Gita, Lord Krishna has mentioned VARNASHRAM system. Varna means occupation and Ashram means stages of the life; they both are necessary for our material & spiritual development. In order to run a systematic, smooth, prosperous & peaceful society, we need VARNASHRAM. Consciously or Unconsciously everyone of us is following this Varnashram model. Let’s look deeper into it. 

Four Varnas or Occupations: Varnas system is not a caste system, but it is about choosing our occupation based on our Passion, Personality or Material modes to support our family, society & the nation.
1. Brahmin-- Advisory services.
2. Kshatriyas-- Administrative & Defense services.
3. Vaisya-- Business services.( Traders & Farmers ). 
4. Sudra-- Manufacturing, Construction and other Public services.

Bg 4.13 -- According to the three modes of material nature and the work associated with them, the four divisions of human society are created by Me. And although I am the creator of this system, you should know that I am yet the nondoer, being unchangeable.

Four Ashram or Stages of our lives: Irrespective of our culture, nationality, religion or occupation, Spiritual advancement is the goal of life in all Ashrams. 


1. Brahmachrya ashram--Student life (0 to 25-30): In this ashram, the primary focus is education (both Material & Spiritual). No other responsibilities or burdens. 

2. Grihastha ashram--Family life (25 to 50-60) . No more studies & exams...LOL 😂. Yes, it is time to enjoy fully with our family & friends. At a same time, we have spiritual, financial & many other responsibilities towards our family, society & the nation. Out of the four, this is the most important ashram, supporting the other three ashrams. In this ashram, directly or indirectly, we are supporting our children’s needs when they are Students, our parents when they are Retirees (also supporting Volunteer and Philanthropy organizations) and Spiritual organizations along with the Sanyasi. 

3. Vanprastha ashram--Retired life (50 to 70-75). No more financial or family responsibilities, but it is time to contribute our skills & efficiency to society, supporting the volunteer & philanthropy activities..etc. It is time to pursue our hobbies/passion, time to spend more time together with the spouse and slowly start detaching from our family & focus towards our spiritual development. 

During Grihastha Ashram (Family Life) we have to adjust ourselves to please our family, friends & society. Many times we get agitated, angry, greedy, silly arguments with spouse, family & friends ...😂 and sometimes we compromise our ethics, morality or principles in order to maintain or fulfill our and our loved ones’ needs. Our Consciousness degrades further while dealing with the society. Vanprastha ashram--Retired life is the time to BOUNCE BACK to recover from those agitated & unpleasant moments and uplift our Consciousness to upgrade ourselves SPIRITUALLY. It is also a time to improve our physical fitness. 

4. Sannayasa ashram--Stage of renunciation (70-75 to rest of life). Time to completely detach from the social & material life. The only focus is Spiritual development & Contributing society’s Spiritual advancement.

All humans irrespective of their varnas (occupations), religions or nationalities, have to pass through these four stages of the lives. We should utilize these stages & time rightly to build the spiritual lives wisely.

The evolution of man is the evolution of his consciousness, and consciousness cannot be evolved unconsciously.

Bg:13-12:-- Accepting the importance of self-realization; and philosophical search for the Absolute Truth ( God ) – all these I declare to be knowledge, and besides this whatever there may be is ignorance. ( ).

Have a Organized Day & Life 😆.

It is easy to say, but difficult to follow. I am in the same boat with everyone else, or I may even be behind, but thinking in the right direction will help us to go in the right direction. 

Thank You.  



I am inspired to hear & read the Vedic Scriptures by regularly listening to Sri Pandurang Shashtri Athvale, also known as Dadaji ( speaks on Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Veda based discourses & western philosophy ) and the association of Swadhyay Parivar every Sunday in Swadhya Kendra. 

I also hear and read the discourses & literature on Vedic thoughts from Srila Prabhupada, his disciples & grand disciples ( HH Bhakti Rasamitra Swami, HH Chaitanya Charandas Prabhu, Shubha Vilas Prabhu, Sutapa Das, Amarnath Dasa, HH Bhakticharu Swami, HH Urmila Devi Dasi, HH Sivarama Swami, HH Radhanath Swami, HH Romapada Swami, Lal Govind Prabhu ( Gujarati & Hindi) Prahalad Maharaj in Surat (Gujarati) .......and many more from ISKCON......). 

FYI: A good source of Vedic literature: . Srimad Bhagavad Gita is the essence & Srimad Bhagavatam (SB) is the nectar of all Vedic scriptures. Repeatedly hearing/reading & meditating the Scriptures, Eating Sanctified Pure Food and Chanting Vedic Mantras are nourishing to our heart (Soul), transcendental to our consciousness, purifying to our senses and thus helps us to overcome our weaknesses or deficiencies. Yes, we do have good qualities within us but there is always a room for improvement. 

It is always a good idea to share our good thoughts & knowledge with others. Thanks to the Facebook/Social media for providing me the platform. Of course I am using Smartphone/Google/Pexels search to collect some data. 

Besides my parents, wife, teachers, family & friends GREATFUL to EVERYONE WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED in MY LIFE. Hopefully my enthusiasm will continue by Grace of the Guru & God (Krishna , Absolute Truth).

Many times a word Hearing is used instead of Listening when it comes to the Scriptures. Because Scriptures are so potent that simply by Hearing them even if you don’t try to interpret or analyze or understand them still there will be passive positive effects on our mind & senses.

We can follow either the Quran, Bible,Torah, Tripitaka, Agama, Guru Granth Sahib, Gita or any other Philosophy which makes sense to us, purifies us, elevates our consciousness and qualifies us to understand God and instill the love of God & his creation. (whichever way we can understand God -- either Personal with many names or Impersonal as an universal consciousness & energy).

Don’t try to understand God by Name, Religion or Depiction (means image, picture...etc) but try to understand him by the Definition through Scriptures. The Transcendental subject of God & his creation cannot be understood by mental speculation. Some times people ask why God is Supreme? It is just like asking why is the circle circular? Just by definition, the circle is circular. Similarly by definition, God is unborn, complete, unlimited, infinite, eternal, the Absolute Truth the source of everything, cause of all causes. 

I see God, besides the above mentioned qualities, as an eternal living person (not a abstract or some kind of light) known by the name KRISHNA meaning one who attracts everyone has also MANY other NAMES, forms, abodes, incarnations, activities, qualities, associates, is full of wisdom, bliss, and the cause of all causes.

Bg 9.17 -- I am the father of this universe, the mother, the support and the grandsire. I am the object of knowledge, the purifier and the syllable oṁ. I am also the Ṛg, the Sāma and the Yajur Vedas.

Bg:13-12:-- Accepting the importance of self-realization; and philosophical search for the Absolute Truth ( God ) – all these I declare to be knowledge, and besides this whatever there may be is ignorance. ( ).

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