Saturday, August 8, 2020


If we survey the thousands of wealthy, middle class and poor families on this planet and ask them what are the daily  problems they are facing in this world? What will be their answers? 


    1. We are suffering from quarrel. There is quarrel between husband-wife, son-father, brothers, neighbors, at work place, politicians, countries....there is quarrel everywhere in the world. Disagreement, Quarrel, Hypocrisy & Deceit are the four prominent symptoms or virtues of the Age of Darkness—Kaliyuga. 
    2. We don’t have enough wealth, power, position & fame....”we want more, we deserve more”.. πŸ˜‚.
    3. We are tired from too much corruption, pollution, dirty politics, traffic, violence, drugs....etc in the society. And also too much Facebook, WhatsApp & Texting.... πŸ˜‚.
    4. We don’t want any aging, diseases & death in our families. 

We all are facing or will face the above mentioned issues at some point in our lives and sometimes like hurricanes, these problems can create havoc in our lives. Even if we are given the opportunity to switch from poor to middle/wealthy class or vice versa, our issues still remain. Every individual, family, community & country have their own baggage filled with many problems... πŸ˜‚.

Why we are suffering from these issues? 

  1. Possessiveness: It means a desire to keep & maintain what you all ready have. In general our mind is possessive of the things earned or maintained by us like our phone, house, skills, power, position, workplace, wealth, our family...including our own body.
  2. Greed: It means a desire to acquire more & more. Our mind is very greedy & always remain unsatisfied, have unlimited desires to acquire more wealth, power, position & fame till death. 
  3. A possessive & greedy mind brings agitation, anger, arrogance, anxiety, distress, corruption, crimes... into our lives.
  4. Imbalanced Life: Anything too much, either too much work, vacation, sleep, eating and other sensual pleasure activities....are not good for our health & happiness. Our mind & body need balanced lives.
  5. Our mind is designed in such a way that if we can’t upgrade it with good thoughts then by default It will degrade us. The degraded mind will degrade society.
  6. Many times we have seen it that too much wealth is cause for degradation of the societies if not utilized properly.

Can we solve any of these problems with more wealth, degree, power, fame, science or technology?... πŸ˜‚, of course not. How do we solve or fix these problems? In order to fix any of these problems we have to fix ourselves first. This world is not perfect because I am not perfect. I should focus on my own perfection rather than focusing on this world.....and one day this world will be perfect. Satisfaction, Solutions & Happiness come with Divinity in our lives.

Spiritual knowledge/practices also save us from the repeated Birth-Death cycle, the permanent solution for all the problems in world. No birth means no school, work, house or spouse means NO PROBLEMS IN OUR LIVES...LOL πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜† πŸ˜.

TEXT 4: BG 16.4: Pride, arrogance, conceit, anger, harshness and ignorance – these qualities belong to those of demoniac nature, O son of PαΉ›thā.

TEXT 5: BG 16.5: The transcendental qualities are conducive to liberation, whereas the demoniac qualities make for bondage.

It is easy to say, but difficult to follow. I am in the same boat with everyone else, or I may even be behind, but thinking in the right direction will help us to go in the right direction.   

Have a Problem-Free Day.

Thank You


  1. Excellent Pankaj.Seams this is your soil's Last Journey to Earth(Mrutyu lok).

    1. Not yet....I need to empty lot of baggage .... Lol πŸ˜‚ Thank you for comment.

    2. Hi Pankajbhai,
      I love reading your blogs.
      Am sure you will have MOX before us!
      Keep praying for our MOX!
      Take care and please continue to be safe! still.

  2. Thank you for sharing good thoughts/reading.

  3. Good thoughts Pankajbhai, keep writing and sharing, this is your path to moksha :) LOL - Dinesh FL
