Sunday, June 25, 2023


Besides health and good thoughts, our happiness is also dependent on relationships. If you have good friends/family (spouse is one of them… 😊) in your life with whom you can open up your heart, share your feelings, joy & distress….…you become more content, fulfilled & cheerful personality. If you open your heart to your family/friends then the doctor doesn’t have to open your heart….😆 😂 

A beautiful understanding about relationships/friendships based on Sastra/Scriptures.

  1. In this material world, which advances like a river that carries away living entities, all people become friends, relatives and enemies in due course of time. (bandhu-jñāty-ari-madhyastha-mitrodāsīna-vidviṣaḥ Śrīmad-bhāgavatam 6.16.5).
  2. You can’t be friends with thousands of people. mṛgāḥ mṛgaiḥ saṅgam upa-vrajanti

    gāvaś ca gobhis turagās turagaiḥ

    mūrkhāś ca mūrkhaiḥ sudhayaḥ sudhībhiḥ

    samāna-śīla-vyasaneṣu sakhyam

    Translation: Deers roam around with deers; cows with cows; horses with horses and intelligent with intelligent. Friendship is between individuals of similar disposition and habits (Pañcatantra 1.305). We can have long lasting relationships with like minded people. We can be (we can have) fans, followers, encouragers, well wishers or admirers, but we can’t build the good relationships/friendships with everyone we come across in our lives.

  3. Who’s a friend in the truest sense? Someone who makes our heart experience sneha which means affection. What is sneha?....when the inner self melts on seeing, touching, hearing or conversing with an individual, one is said to be experiencing sneha, affection. Śāstra says that success in the domain of friendship is attained when we have such intimate should frequently converse with them, travel with them and/or stay with them, open up your heart to them, thereby avoiding all distress. (darśane sparśane vā ’pi śravaṇe bhāṣaṇe ’pi vā yatra dravaty antaraṅgaṁ sa sneha iti kathyate Subhāṣita-ratna-bhāṇḍāgāram). 
  4. Don’t try to win an argument against a friend/family, especially in public. If possible avoid any financial contracts/business deals with the friend. Share your happiness & sorrowness with your friends/loved ones and give them mental support while in distress. Pṛcchati means asking for the friends opinion and also giving opinions when asked. Bhuṅkte means eating food offered by the friend. Bhojayate means offering food to the friend. Express the good qualities of the friend in front of others. Have LOL 😂 😆 moments with your loved ones. Laughter is the shortest distance between two.
  5. Don’t expose faults, weakness of your loved ones to others. As a good friend, we should know how to keep secrets. These secrets are something which can cause immense public embarrassment to our friends if revealed. These are weaknesses that have been confidentially confided in us. Whatever the fault it is, we must hide it. A good friend will stand up to defend their friends in need. We should publicly protect them, but privately we should reveal our honest thoughts to them without worrying. It is the duty of an individual to rescue a friend who may have gone astray.(pāpān nivārayati yojayate hitāya

    guhyaṁ ca gūhati guṇān prakaṭīkaroti

    āpadgataṁ na ca jahāti dadāti kāle

    sanmitra-lakṣaṇam idaṁ pravadanti santaḥ)

Make a commitment to maintain the unconditional relationships with your friends/families…. ❤️

We can’t be a good friend to everybody but we can be well wishers to everyone in this world.

It is easy to say, but difficult to follow. 

Have a Wonderful Day. 

Thank You…..🙏 


  1. This is awesome! In this crazy world you need something like this to read to stay with real reality💚
